Saturday 3 January 2015

St Hilda's on Facebook

It's early days. of course, and much more to come through 2015 and ahead.

Advent 4, 2014

For this Advent we have four different preachers who are all part of St Hilda's Church. There was no specific theme or brief beyond, of course, 'Advent' itself.

Advent 4 
  • "Think the unthinkable" was a mantra of Margaret Thatcher's day
  • and, as Christians, we ordinarily think the unthinkable: that Jesus is God made flesh.
  • This is God's world: he made it, walked in it, loves it, yet we spoil it for short-term gain. We are God's creation, yet we dehumanise one another and treat people as commodities.
  • For Christians to "think the unthinkable" is to act to make real God's love in God's world.
Jon Goode
We'll post brief notes of the sermons each week, just to give a flavour. As the weeks go by and Christmas comes closer we'll link each post to the others.

Advent 1: November 30th - Revd Michael Bass
Advent 2: December 7th - Revd Paul Bagshaw
Advent 3: December 14th - Carol Ann Shields
Advent 4: December 21st - Revd Jon Goode

Saturday 20 December 2014

Christmas Lunch at Shepherd's Dene

We like our food at St Hilda's.  No sooner was one Christmas meal digested than we were off for another, this time at Shepherd's Dene,

We'd made our choice of menu some time ago and, of course, I couldn't remember.

But Ann Brown, who organised the trip, had it all down to a fine art: when we got on the bus she gave us all a note of what we'd ordered along with a quiz and a raffle ticket.

I had pate, turkey and crumble and all were excellent.

I managed a few quiz questions, but mostly I sat and relaxed after a large lunch.

Shepherd's Dene is the Newcastle Diocese retreat house. Its 2015 programme is here (.pdf) or see their events page

The staff were pleasant and efficient, the setting was delightful, and a very good time was had by all.

Paul Bagshaw

Friday 19 December 2014

Public meeting in preparation for a new Bishop


All are welcome to meet

  • Caroline Boddington (Appointments Secretary of the Archbishops of Canterbury and York) and 
  • Edward Chaplin (Prime Minister’s Appointments Secretary) 
to ask questions about the process of appointing the next Bishop of Newcastle and to express views about the needs of the Church, the Diocese and the region they serve.

The two Appointments Secretaries will be answering questions and listening carefully to views expressed as the process of identifying the next Bishop of Newcastle continues.

Date: Wednesday 14 January 2015

Time: 7.00pm (in order to avoid rush hour on the A1 and around Newcastle)

Venue: Newcastle Falcons Gold South Suite (First Floor), Brunton Road, Kenton Bank Foot, Newcastle upon Tyne NE13 8AF.