Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garden. Show all posts

Thursday, 20 November 2014

God's Gardeners

St Hilda's gardeners win 1st place 
in the Places of Worship Category 
of North Tyneside in Bloom 2014
Mac Squires, Austin Hordon, Frank Clayforth and Rev Michael Bass
St Hilda's prize winning gardeners
The team (pictured) meets for about an hour and a half every Tuesday morning and over four years has transformed the garden into a prize-winning delight.

After three previous attempts this year’s success is marked with a certificate, a silver salver and garden vouchers. They also won the appreciation of the congregation and many who pass by along the busy Preston North Road, some of whom will stop for a chat.

In 2015 the team plans a block-paved memorial section in front of the tree seat where people come and sit to enjoy a moment of peace.