Showing posts with label Church of England. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church of England. Show all posts

Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Going down hill with no brakes

The latest statistical news on religion in this country continues a well established and depressing trend: Christianity is going down hill.

From the reliable British Religion in Numbers
Lord Ashcroft’s latest large-scale political poll, conducted online among 8,011 voters between 11 and 22 August 2016, included his customary question about professed ‘membership’ of religious groups.

.... the proportion identifying with no religion has increased steadily in similarly-sized Ashcroft surveys for the second half of each year since 2011, by almost five points over this quinquennium.

There has been a corresponding reduction in self-identifying Christians, who seem destined to lose their overall majority share within a matter of years. Indeed, religious nones are already in the ascendant among under-35s and supporters of green and nationalist political parties.
Henry VIII created the Church of
England by his demand that the clergy
submit to him.
(Lord Ashcroft Polls, BRIN links to pdfs of the survey results - see Table 65)

Hand-wringing and prophecy

I don't think I'm defeatist; I think we should face reality.

That reality is that religion is losing traction across the population. Inevitably this is uneven: some geographic areas, some age groups, some traditions will lose people quicker than others. Here and there affiliation to religion will grow. But the overall trend is decline.

This is not merely that people don't like religion, or see its faults and failings and decide it's not for them, or that they simply see the worst expressions of faith.

It's more fundamental:
  • Fewer people think in religious ways
  • Metaphor is no longer a legitimate or normal way to express or explore truth
  • Conformity is not a positive value
  • Always-on social media is not conducive to prayer and meditation
  • It is hard to see religious experience as integral to the digital world
  • Science has a mind-set which normally regards religion as irrelevant (at best). Furthermore: science delivers knowledge and tangible benefits that religion cannot match
  • Religion is associated with (even identified with) fanaticism and violence, and at best social conservatism
But the majority of people simply don't care: religion is not so much meaningless as irrelevant.
Non-church-going: its reasons and remedies,
William Forbes Gray (ed), 1911

This isn't new, just inexorable. All sorts of responses have been tried (see the book pictured). Proposals have included: grow your church with hard work, dedication and faithfulness, seek greater holiness and devotion, return to traditional expressions of faith, adapt the faith to changing times, build big and they will come, don't adapt the faith but create fresh expressions of the church.

Each response has no doubt had some effect and been valuable for those involved - and without them things would probably have been worse - but still the trend is towards the marginalisation of Christianity. 

The Church of England 

The Church of England, in which I have a vested and pecuniary interest, seems to be losing affiliation more rapidly than some other groups (or, maybe, I just notice it more).

In fact all those things in which its identity is invested are just those things which make the CofE unable to adapt to changing circumstances,

The CofE remains hobbled and encumbered by its legal processes, its laws and legalism, its parochialism, its history, its hierarchical structure, its buildings, its entrenched divisions. Its structure militates against novelty.

Even the most ardent supporter could not call it 'nimble'. Long before he became Archbishop of York John Sentamu described the CofE as having 'the engine of a motor mower and the brakes of a juggernaut'.  It is an entirely reasonable for the leaders of the church themselves to create extra-mural ways of communication, mutual support and commitment (Companions of St Aidan, for example) as a way of getting around the constraints they work within.


I accept: one person's realism is another's defeatism. But I cannot see that tinkering at the edges of the CofE is going to save it. I think that if the Church of England is going to live it is going to have to die first.  We don't need a new reformation but a resurrection: a new body, a new identity.

Paul Bagshaw

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Reforrm and Renewal - the South African way

In just over six weeks' time, representatives from all 28 dioceses, including experts in strategic planning, will hold two meetings, back-to-back, in which the Province will seize a Kairos moment to review our Vision and Mission as a church, to strategise around ways to implement our priorities, and then to make practical decisions on how to implement them in a manner that is productive, holistic and transformative.

Five years ago, the Province adopted a Vision and Mission Statement. In it we declared that the Anglican community in Southern Africa seeks to be:
  • Anchored – in the love of Christ
  • Committed – to God’s mission
  • Transformed – by the Holy Spirit
Archbishop visits victims of Duduza tornado
4 October 2011 (Hope Africa gallery)
We added that across the diverse countries and cultures of our region, we seek:
  • To honour God in worship that feeds and empowers us for faithful witness and service
  • To embody and proclaim the message of God’s redemptive hope and healing for people and creation
  • To grow communities of faith that form, inform, and transform those who follow Christ.
Within the context provided by that statement, we declared our Provincial priorities in the succeeding decade to be: 
  • Renewal for transformative worship
  • Theological education and formation
  • Leadership development
  • Health (HIV and AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis)
  • The environment
  • Women and gender
  • Protection and nurture of children and young people
  • public advocacy
To me the tone and substance might have significant and constructive lessons for the CofE, if we could hear.
  1. To begin with God-orientated vision. Not fear of collapse.
  2. A history of Kairos (remember the Kairos document of 1985?): embracing the possibility of transformation (wiki). As opposed to cautious and arthritic legislative reform and tinkering.
  3. To look equally inwards and out: to see that the church is only whole when it is engaged in a transformative - and reflexive - manner with the injustices of the society in which we live.
  4. And, as a united church, to be prepared to address public issues which are neither easy nor one-sided but where there is the possibility that the church could make a substantive and positive difference to people's live.
And, frankly, a sense of excitement. 

I don't doubt that in the cities and the deep countryside there will also be significant anxiety about what all this will mean for them. The view through the Archbishop's eyes is most unlikely to be the same view as a worshipper in a village outside Olifantshoek, say, or in the centre of Bloemfontein.

But we are buried under too much sediment: not only our history but also the weight of being the State church.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Elections for General Synod

General Synod is the governing body of the Church of England. It is a largely elected body with three 'houses' (chambers): Bishops, Clergy and Laity.

Clergy are elected by vote of almost all ordained clergy. The exception is ordained clergy with no permission to officiate. For electoral purposes at  least - they're nobody. They have no standing as clergy and cannot vote as laity.

The laity have an electoral college - Deanery Synod members - who alone vote for representatives of the laity on General Synod. In my view this is wholly unacceptable and embodies the marginalisation of the laity. (I've wittered on about this elsewhere.)

(Curiously, at least on a quick look, I couldn't find a general page about Deanery Synods of the CofE official site - only a leaflet (pdf) and the rules.)

Undoubtedly this new Synod is going to be busy. It has to begin the process of dismantling and rebuilding the CofE.

I personally hope it goes for wholesale reform but that's not the Anglican way: look for slow, piecemeal and insufficient change.

Here's some more talking heads:

Monday, 20 July 2015

An imaginative Church?

The CofE does a weekly podcast. I'd never bothered with it before, but thought I'd have a listen to one (dated 16 July).

Bishop Thornton: blue skies man
What caught my ear first was Tim Thornton, Bishop of Truro, desperately not saying "imagination's in short supply." (at about 5min 40secs)

Instead he got to: "... imagination is in, er, very great demand, is not around very much."

He was selling a notion that vicars (and congregations) could and should re-imagine roles and  relationships. He  cited leadership in churches in mixed lay/clerical teams.

You could say that sounds basically like a PCC working well, but that might be too simplistic.

However if we take seriously - and I think we should - the notion that imagination is in short supply then it might be helpful to look at some possible reasons.

I suggest, for starters:

  • The episcopal system effectively leaves all initiative with the bishop. Tim Thorton can get people to work in different ways because he is bishop. When a new bishop arrives with different ideas they too will be followed by the clergy.  
  • Thornton says people need permission to be imaginative. Presumably because the episcopacy has previously constrained them.
  • In effect Thornton says: by the authority vested in me I desire and permit you to be imaginative but (implicit but taught and heard well down the generations) only within the boundaries that I set. Those boundaries also include Thornton's tenure in office. New bishop, new ideas, new fashions and practices come into favour. However no bishop (nor, therefore incumbent) can bind the hands of their successor. 
It's not that people lack imagination. It's that the structures and relationships of the CofE have taught both clergy and laity that, first, each member should stay in their allotted place, second, that imagination comes close to insubordination and, third, that any exercise of the imagination is acceptable only within certain prescribed boundaries (which may or may not be set out clearly and in advance).
I found this image when I searched for 'PCC'

There are also, I think, also deeper and religious reasons for unimaginative practice.
  • Faith is not only held (object-like) but lived, embodied. Insofar as faith is part of one's identity (individual or shared) behavioural change also entails becoming a different person, a different church. Of course, change is normal - it is the nature of life. But persuading someone else to deliberately change their identity, their sense of who they are and their relationships with others, is a very tall and often scary order.
  • And there is always an anxiety in faith faced with novelty: how do we know we're getting it right? To do what has been done before is safe. It may not be adequate but it is secure. Part of  embodied faith is the reassurance which comes from hallowed repetition.
It maybe that a disproportionate number of unimaginative people make their home in the  CofE. or that the CofE has consistently devalued imagination. Or, probably, both. Either way it'll take more than episcopal encouragement to make a thousand flowers bloom.
Destination Imagination

The last sustained and effective re-imagining of the CofE was by the Oxford Movement. It was, of course, initially opposed by bishops. It evoked opposition, some of it violent, sent some clergy to gaol, and took perhaps 100+ years to become the new normal. In part we need new imagination because we are only now shedding such victoriana.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Eight impossible things the C of E will never do

Disclaimer: I don't mean any of these literally - and, contrariwise - I know several of them are well underway in some churches. Some have been happening for years - just not necessarily round here. Others are almost inconceivable.

To be clear: this is just a personal tirade. Each of these suggestions is merely meant to point to some aspect of the challenge I think we face. I don't propose to put them into practice (not all of them, anyway). 

1. Walk out of church Sunday

This is especially for those with listed buildings but everyone can play.  Simply leave. (Having, of course, done a good dust and spring clean and checked all electrical appliances are unplugged).

The PCC can resign en mass (leaving a couple of people as residual trustees of any money) and ask the Archdeacon to take over responsibility for the church (copy to the Bishop).

Send a polite letter to the Second Church Estates Commissioner suggesting that the State should take responsibility for the building and telling her which flowerpot the keys are hidden under.

Don't forget, tell the neighbours you'll be away for a while.  And remember to tell the congregation a minimum of one week before it happens. Otherwise people won't know whether they're still supposed to be on the stewarding rota.

2. No congregation should ever own a church

Then hire a meeting place. Find somewhere with decent parking, comfortable seats and above all a cosy feel. Check that coffee and cake are available and that the toilets are clean and comfortable.

If your numbers dwindle move somewhere smaller. When they grow, move somewhere bigger.

In this way you can always be the right size group. You can move to where people are. Leaders can give almost all their attention to the people, the worship and deepening faith - and not to the building. God can be worshipped with minimal distraction. Members can decide what's important and not be overwhelmed by the demands of drains and guttering.

3. Listen to people

I think God listens to each of us. I think the church should too.

At the moment the Church of England pays almost no regard to almost all the laity. The words people use in worship are all scripted. Individuals' experience, priorities, delights and anxieties have no place in such prescribed services.

This relationship is symbolised and realised in the sermon: one person speaks and the rest remain passive. There is no mutuality.

It's not just that the audience have no voice - I would guess it's very rare for a sermoniser even to check what people have heard. The odd hints I occasionally get suggest there can be a considerable and sometimes entertaining gap between what I think I said and what someone else thinks they heard.

And f the church doesn't listen to its members how on earth can it expect to listen to people outside it?

4. Give lay people a full part in the government of the Church

At a larger scale the structure of church government deliberately marginalises the laity. Lay members vote for Deanery Synod Representatives. Deanery Synod Representatives vote for Diocesan and General Synod Representatives. Consequently no-one is accountable to members.

I think it's high time that all members had a vote and a voice. I think representatives should then account to their electorate. It should be easier as there are fewer and fewer of us.

5. and no more processions

Processions embody hierarchy, status and power. They literally set each person in their rank and degree, They mark who's in and who's not. Those who do not process do not count.

I can see some justifications for processions - but not a Christian one (Aquinas notwithstanding).

More significantly, processions are archaic: relics of a social ordering increasingly destroyed by digitisation.

6. Throw out the clutter

Church vestries are renowned for the clutter they accumulate. No-one's quite sure who put the stone gargoyle in the corner, or whether the books belong to the vicar, or whether you need a faculty to throw away unused and mildewed cassocks, or who promised to repair the torn linen. So it all just silts up.

Throw it away (having, of course, first found out about the faculty bit). Throw out the remaining pews, redundant hymn books, nineteenth century robes and ideas. Make space in the vestry and in prayer, give God a bit of room and, when Jesus comes round for a coffee, make sure the place is bright, warm and comfortable.

And, while we're about it, don't be half hearted with legislative reform. Piecemeal tinkering will only end up with pieces all over the floor. Decide the key principles that church governance must and should enact. Throw away everything else.

7. Account for the right things

I know we need to count numbers and money. They are important in themselves (though always, of course, with lots of caveats).

But I think we also need to count what a church gives away. Faith is not something we have but something to be given away. God does not bless us so that we can hoard it, but so that we can be a blessing to others. Jesus did not tell his disciples to guard his teachings carefully - he sent them out to share with all and sundry.

I think counting what a church gives - money, time, energy, facilities - may also be a measure of its compassion and faithfulness.

8. and no more talking heads videos

This is not the way to reform or renew anything:

 Let's have a bit of life, imagination, passion, dynamism, colour, indignation, vision, vitality. This is just dull.

    Monday, 13 July 2015

    Are we all doomed?

    In the words of private Frazer:

    Several people have looked at the decline in attendance in the Church of England and projected forward to the date of extinction:

    Church Growth Modelling gives around 2040 for the death of The Church in Wales, The Scottish Episcopal Church and The Episcopal Church in the US. The Church of England, starting at a higher numerical base, dies beyond the edge of the graph, sometime around 2100 perhaps.

    The Spectator is more pessimistic (which may not surprise anyone). Damian Thompson projects that 2067 will be the date on the Church's tombstone.  He says:
    That is the year in which the Christians who have inherited the faith of their British ancestors will become statistically invisible. Parish churches everywhere will have been adapted for secular use, demolished or abandoned. 
    ... Christianity is dying out among the Anglo-Saxon and Celtic inhabitants of Great Britain. The Gospel that Augustine and his 30 monks brought to England when they landed at Ebbsfleet in ad 597 is now being decisively rejected.
    Of course, projections are not predictions. No-one knows what will happen between now and then. Will the effect of Reform and Renewal lift the leading edge of the graph and send it upwards? Will the impact of discussion about deep change lead to depression and hasten decline? Or will none of it make any difference?

    Maybe the decline won't be steady at all. Implicit in the larger scale statistics is a picture of support ebbing away like a receding tide (it's gone a long way out from Dover Beach by now). 

    But actually, for the most part, we belong to and worship in small semi-discrete units: parish churches. Here I suspect the pattern of decline is more or less steady until there comes a tipping point - where members' time, money and energy is no longer sufficient to sustain the building, services and clergy. One congregation I knew gave up when there were four people left, another had eight.

    In other words, the long downhill slope ends suddenly as we fall over the cliff, like this (entirely imaginary) graph.

    On this scenario projections from earlier data could even look somewhat optimistic.

    Death (and resurrection?)

    We do not have to accept less of the same, and may not be able to.

    Perhaps 1: in the face of apparently inevitable obliteration, those who remain refuse to accept it. Maybe this will force a radical revision of the Church - it's shape, structure, role and mission. This in turn may tear the church apart if its current divisions are stronger that what holds it together.

    Or 2: (I think more probably) minorities may be torn away, leaving a smaller continuing core.

    However it happens, and whoever claims legitimate succession, in effect a new church (or churches) will be born from the ashes of the old.

    Or 3: even more pessimistically, perhaps at some point in this century the Church of England will simply implode. Perhaps its internal divisions will prevent adequate revision. It might collapse like a burst balloon, as one too many parish church closures triggers an unstoppable cascade of others. At which point those who remain may say to themselves 'that's it. God has abandoned us.'

    Or 4: they may say: 'time for a new start'.

    Saturday, 11 July 2015

    Heading downhill

    Statistics can be very depressing.

    The blog Church Growth Modelling is written by John Hayward, a mathematician committed to the revival of the Church. It has lots of downward curves.

    I find this one particularly interesting: 
    In essence, roughly since the end of the First World War (or the Second, in Wales) Anglican Church affiliation in the West has headed south.

    Second, the percentage of the population was not that great in the twentieth century, even at peak membership -  just over 10% for the CofE in the 1910s. And membership of the CofE was never the same as regular attendance. As Haywood says: "Churches in the West have never been as popular as they have perceived themselves to be."

    And, third, through this century the population has grown significantly. This itself has helped buoy up absolute numbers while disguising the rate of decline.

    Statistics are always retrospective. The question is whether, given the background rate of decline in affiliation Christianity, any one Church - or even all of them acting together - can do anything effective to counter a cultural shift.

    Thursday, 2 July 2015

    Reform and Renewal

    Reform and Renewal
    These are the latest buzz words of the Church of England. They summarise what  might be an heroic attempt to rebuild and re-orientate the Church: to create a stronger and more missionary church.

    The words might signify the beginning of a new Augustinian proclamation of the gospel in a pagan land - the church responding at last to secularization.

    Or they might mean merely 'reduce and retrench'.

    In broad terms I am very much in favour of the shake up which I think is entailed by 'Reform and Renewal'. I think the Church of England has come to the tail end of the reforms which shook it up in the nineteenth century. That did a lot of good and re-orientated the Church towards the new urban and industrial Britain. But the church created then is wholly unequipped for today's world, let alone tomorrow's. It's a Spy cartoon compared to Wired.

    On the other hand, it's very hard to see that this current, top down, reform programme will be sufficient to re-orientate the Church towards the new, digitised, fluid, transnational, anxious and capitalist world.

    And it is also very hard to see that any of the streams will be sufficient to the underlying challenge: that fewer and fewer people in the UK are bothered about religion.

    (When I googled 'church of england reform and renewal' looking for illustrative images I was given a page dominated by middle-aged white men's heads, most in funny clothes. This does reflect the church, and the leadership of many other English institutions, but it is scarcely inspiring. I went for seeds and seedlings instead.)

    Reform and Renewal strands:

    Developing Discipleship
    Blog / Video / Full Report / Comment Forum

    Simplification Report
    Blog / Video / Full Report / Comment Forum / Simplification Consultation document
    Resourcing Ministerial EducationBlog / Video / Full Report / Comment Forum
    Resourcing the Future
    Blog / Video / Full Report / Comment Forum
    Church Commissioners' and the Task Groups
    Blog / Video / Full Report / Comment Forum

    Tuesday, 30 June 2015


    It's been a long time since anything was put on this site and it's high time I got going again.

    I'm  going to try a slightly different mix, posting items of more general interest (though probably still largely Church of  England focused) as well as items specific to St Hilda's Church.

    There's a wind beginning to blow through the C of E and I for one think it's a good thing. But, as always, it will be the detail that's critical an, at the moment, the detail is missing.

    Under the suspicious heading of 'Reform and Renewal' there are two tests we know about:
    • is the church able to pay it's ministerial costs?
    • is  the church growing?
    For any other organization these might seem perfectly reasonable tests. For the C of E they suggest the beginning of a change of culture which 

    On the other hand, rhetoric, anxieties and hopes are always greater than reality. We will only know how much has changed, and what it cost (in the broadest sense) long after it's too late to do anything about it.

    In the meantime St Hilda's is looking forward to celebrating it's first half century - in the hope and expectation of moving forwards into its second half century with optimistic faith and faithful optimism.

    Thursday, 26 March 2015

    New Bishop of Gloucester

    You wait for decades for women to be ordained, and more decades for them to be ordained, and then suddenly there's lots of announcements.

    10 Downing Street has announced that the next Bishop of Gloucester is to be the Venerable Rachel Treweek, currently Archdeacon of Hackney.
    Rachel Treweek, Bishop designate of Gloucester
    Diocese of Gloucester: Venerable Rachel Treweek 
    The Queen has approved the nomination of the Venerable Rachel Treweek, BA, BTh, Archdeacon of Hackney, for election as Bishop of Gloucester in succession to the Right Reverend Michael Francis Perham, MA, whose resignation took effect on the 21 November 2014.

    Notes for editors
    The Venerable Rachel Treweek (nee Montgomery) aged 52, studied at Reading University and trained for the ordained ministry at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. She served her first curacy at Saint George and All Saints, Tufnell Park in the Diocese of London from 1994 to 1997 and was Associate Vicar from 1997 to 1999 
    From 1999 to 2006 she was Vicar at Saint James the Less, Bethnal Green and Continuing Ministerial Education Officer for the Stepney Episcopal Area. From 2006 to 2011 she was Archdeacon of Northolt in the Diocese of London. Since 2011 she has been Archdeacon of Hackney. In 2013 she was elected as Participant Observer in the House of Bishops for the South East Region. 
    Rachel is married to Guy, Priest-in-Charge of two parishes in the City of London.
    Her interests include conflict transformation, walking and canoeing.

    See also: The Diocese of Gloucester website, with a video message from Rachel Treweek to the people of the diocese.

    Wednesday, 25 March 2015

    Alison White appointed Bishop of Hull

    Her Majesty the Queen has appointed the Revd Canon Alison White, Priest-in-Charge of Riding Mill in the Diocese of Newcastle and Diocesan Adviser for Spirituality and Spiritual Direction, as the Bishop Suffragan of the See of Hull in the Diocese of York.
    Alison White

    Alison is married to Bishop Frank, Assistant Bishop of Newcastle, and they have served in a variety of appointments since they were ordained in the 1980s.  Alison taught at Cranmer Hall, the theological college in the University of Durham and was also a member of the Archbishops’ Springboard Team working in England and other countries between 2000 and 2004.

    The Whites are moving their family home to Hull and Bishop Frank will continue to serve the Diocese of Newcastle from the office of the Assistant Bishop of Newcastle in Jesmond. 

    The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu said: “This is a joyous day! I am delighted to be welcoming Alison as the next Bishop of Hull.  Whilst she will be working with others across the Diocese of York encouraging faith in urban life, she will have particular responsibilities for the vibrant city of Hull and the glorious coastline and countryside of the East Riding.  Alison is a person of real godliness and wisdom – it is fantastic that she has accepted God’s call to make Christ visible together with all of us in this Diocese of York.”

    Alison White said: “In 2010, I was privileged to be invited to take part in the York Diocesan Clergy Conference where I got a profound sense of a Diocese with faith and hope.  I know that there is a real vision to be Generous Churches Making and Nurturing Disciples and can’t wait to be part of loving God and growing the Church in this great part of Yorkshire”.

    Bishop elect Alison and Bishop Frank White, with
    Archbishop John sentamu
    Bishop Frank White welcomed Alison’s appointment, saying, “I believe that Alison will be an outstanding bishop and we are delighted at this appointment.  It will be a great day when Alison is ordained and consecrated as a bishop in the stunning setting of York Minster on July 3rd. 

    “She combines a deep personal spirituality with clear vision, great energy and a lightness of touch which will serve her very well.  She has a great sense of humour and she knows the scale of the task to which God is calling her.

    “God’s call comes in unexpected ways and we were both surprised by this invitation.  We look forward to the adventure of exploring our callings in two different dioceses.

    “We have always treasured our days off and we’ll be making sure that we spend as much time together as possible.”

    The Rt Revd Martin Wharton, who retired as Bishop of Newcastle in 2014, said, “I am thrilled that Alison’s priestly and personal gifts have been recognised by the wider church and believe she will be an outstanding bishop who will quickly endear herself to the people of Hull and the East Riding.

    “As the second woman to be appointed Bishop in the Church of England, we rejoice with her and pray for her.”
    Alison White succeeds the Rt Revd Richard Frith, who became Bishop of Hereford in November 2014.

    Above is from the Diocese of Newcastle. Diocese of York's statement here. Thinking Anglican;s here (with comment)

    Friday, 13 March 2015

    General Synod Elections

    Voices of  some of the lay members of General Synod - to encourage any who might consider standing for election.

    Sunday, 25 January 2015

    Libby Lane, the first woman to be appointed a bishop in the Church of England, says amongst other things that she hopes her appointment will send a signal to young girls regardless of their faith
    “Knowing Jesus made sense to me as a teenager,” said Lane this weekend, “and if my appointment encourages a single young girl to lift her eyes up a bit and to realise that she has capacity and potential, and that those around her don’t need to dictate what is possible, then I would be really honoured.”
    Full article in The Guardian.

    This film was recorded on the day it was announced that the Revd Libby Lane was to become the next Bishop of Stockport. In it she talks about her journey to faith

    Tuesday, 13 January 2015

    Je suis Charlie

    St Nicholas' Cathedral holds an act of remembrance for the victims of the Paris atrocities.

    4:00pm on Thursday 15th of January

    Faith Leaders from across Newcastle will be gathering at St Nicholas Cathedral to pray for peace in these times of crisis.

    This act of remembrance will include the lighting of candles and the saying of prayers for all those affected by the atrocities in Paris.

    People from all faiths and none are invited to this brief gathering.

    Wednesday, 17 December 2014

    The first woman bishop in the Church of England

    The appointment of the first woman bishop in the Church of England has been announced.

    Rev Libby Lane is to be Bishop of Stockport, suffragan to the Bishop of Chester.

    There are reports in the Church Times, Guardian (and a profile), Independent, Telegraph and elsewhere.

    From the Diocese of Chester:
    Rev Libby Lane. The first woman bishop in the Church of England 
    On the announcement being made of her new ministry as a suffragan (area) bishop,
    Libby said: 
    “It’s a great honour to be nominated as Bishop elect to the See of Stockport.
    I am grateful for, though somewhat daunted by, the confidence placed in me by the Diocese of Chester. This is unexpected and very exciting. On this historic day as the Church of England announces the first woman nominated to be Bishop, I am very conscious of all those who have gone before me, women and men, who for decades have looked forward to this moment. But most of all I am thankful to God. 
    “The church faces wonderful opportunities, to proclaim afresh, in this generation, the Good News of Jesus and to build His Kingdom. The Church of England is called to serve all the people of this country, and being present in every community, we communicate our faith best when our lives build up the lives of others, especially the most vulnerable. I am excited by the possibilities and challenges ahead.
    “It is a particular privilege to be nominated to serve as Bishop among people I have come to know and love over many years; in Stockport, in the Trafford and Cheshire East boroughs. The Diocese of Chester encompasses widely diverse communities, socially, economically, geographically—and the church is here for every one of them.
    “I am encouraged by the affirmation and support of colleagues with whom I shall be working. And I am very aware of how great a resource we have in the clergy and people of the churches in this diocese, who every day by their actions make a difference for good.”

    The Bishop of Chester, the Rt Revd Dr Peter Forster, said: 
    “Libby has had a varied and distinguished ministry, and is currently a first-rate parish priest. She has already demonstrated her ability to contribute nationally through her representative role in the House of Bishops, on behalf of the north-west England dioceses.
    “As the first woman bishop in the Church of England she will face many challenges as well as enjoying many opportunities to be an ambassador for Jesus Christ. I have no doubt that she has the gifts and determination to be an outstanding bishop. 
    “I am delighted at her designation as Bishop of Stockport after a lengthy process of discernment across the Church of England and beyond.”

    Channel 4 News puts Libby Lane's appointment in a global and multi-religious context: women are taking leading roles in Islam, Bhuddism, Judaism as well as Christianity, albeit generally at the very edges of each faith.

    Friday, 5 December 2014

    Opinion: What is the Church of England like?

    A Church Times article pointed to a YouGov page called 'profiler'. You can type in a label - "Church of England" perhaps, and the likes and characteristics of those who 'like' that label are compared to the general population.

    So I looked at 'Church of England'  (1187 people), 'Church of Scotland' (139 people)  and 'Roman Catholic' (104 people). Methodist and Baptist don't appear on the list.

    Politically CofE people were a little to the right of centre, CofS people a fraction to the left of centre, whereas the RCs were very strongly to the right. Readers of the Church Times, however, were significantly further to the right than Church of England members in general

    For both RCs and the  CofE the North East was the third most significant region. (Curiously London, for the CofE, was significantly below the level that might be expected.)

    Gender: all three churches have more than average men and fewer women. All had more in social classes ABC1 Age: all had fewer young people than expected but this was very strongly pronounced in the CofE.

    Members' occupations were quite varied though The Church of Scotland had a significantly high number of members in the military, Roman Catholics had a strong showing in mining and quarrying, and the CofE in Civil Society and Charity.

    And it's the Church of Scotland members who are the most comfortable financially - noticeably above the other two.

    Lifestyle preferences vary considerably, as might be expected given the range of things to choose from. Unsurprisingly 'religion and  Spirituality' figure at the top of general interests for all three groups.

    There was one further very significant difference between RCs and CofE on the one hand and CofS on the other in the  area of media. Whereas members of the first two churches spend 11-15 hours a week online, for CofS respondents it was 46-50 hours. And although RCs watch more television that the CofE, neither comes near the 50+ hours of the Church of Scotland.

    Of course, what you make of all this is another questions altogether.  And in some areas numbers must have been quite small which makes any conclusion unreliable.

    But: the favourite food of Church of England participants was liver and onions, jam tarts were favourite for Roman Catholics, and Church of Scotland participants went for Lorne sausage (by a long way). Church Times readers preferred faggots (links for US readers). Explain that.