Showing posts with label Unity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unity. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Image from: Churches Together in Bromsgrove
January sees the annual Week of Prayer for Christian Unity around the country.

In our small area we will meet at 12 noon at each of the churches listed here for a short time of prayer and shared worship, followed by light refreshments.

The meetings are open to everyone who wishes to join us - we'd be delighted to see you.

Monday 19th:
St.Mary’s Catholic Church, Farringdon Road

Tuesday 20th:
Cullercoats Methodist Church, Farringdon Road 

Wednesday 21st:
St. Hilda’s, Marden (Church of England), Stanton Road (that's us)

Thursday 22nd:
St. Aidan’s Billy Mill (Church of England), Billy Mill Lane

Friday 23rd:
St. George’s Cullercoats (Church of England)

all at 12 noon, followed by light refreshments

~~~   ~~~

This year's theme comes to us from the churches of Brazil.

Brazilians, have traditionally been tolerant of their various social classes and ethnic groups. Now they are living through a time of growing intolerance reflected in high levels of violence, especially against minorities and vulnerable people. 

Part of this intolerance has been shown in the churches. Increasingly, in Brazil, some Christian groups are competing against one another for a place on the mass media, for new members and for public funds.

The Brazilian churches have begun to recognise that this intolerance should turned around. Churches should respect diversity. Therefore they have begun to promote dialogue as a permanent path of reconciliation and peace, in faithful discipleship to the gospel. 

We can share this recognition in this country too. 

Although the competition between churches is less obvious here, we are well aware that competition and discrimination lie beneath the surface of our lives together. 

Our challenge is to acknowledge that diversity is part of God's design. Jesus welcome all who came to him and listened. We too should approach one another in trust, seeing the face of God in the face of all men and women.