Monday, 23 March 2015

Enemies and Opponents - an imaginative path 3

These five imaginative exercises were devised for those attending the quiet mornings in St Hilda's Church in Lent 2015.

They are meant to be followed in sequence:
3. Enemies and Opponents (this one)
4. Power and Violence
5. The Resurrected Jesus

The framework for each exercise is the same. The sequence follows an emotional path towards the cross and, through it, to the resurrected Jesus.

An imaginative path:
Please note: this can be a heavy duty exercise. Don't go any further or stay any longer than you are comfortable with. It's not meant to be an ordeal but an opportunity for discovery.

Take the break as advised. Have a proper break. Have a cup of tea (or your preferred equivalent). Go for a walk. Distract yourself, and then come back to pick up where you left off.

Don't leave a section suddenly. Always leave on a positive note by saying thank you, and politely excuse yourself before you turn to go.

It is important that, in your imagination, you walk yourself from your present surroundings and circumstances into the imagined setting – and equally important that you walk yourself back out again at the end. Take it steady: there is no rush.

And if you do leave abruptly then look at what it was that made you leave. Offer it in prayer.

1. Enemies and Opponents

1. The first step
Imagine the landscape of Jesus' day (don't try to 'get it right')
Walk into the place, carrying an empty bag
This is a quiet, safe place, with no-one else around
Look around and find a comfortable spot,
imagine something as a landmark, and put your bag down
fill the bag with all the everyday things you bring with you,
what you're going to do when you leave here
what you need to get on with later
conversations you've had, or need to have
all those things you ought to have done but haven't got around to
and when you've filled the bag
put it down and leave it there. It will be safe.
El Greco, 
Christ Driving the Money Changers from the Temple,

2. The first turn
Walk a little way along a path, go round a corner
There are two of Jesus' disciples stood watching. Stand with them. You are not on your own.

imagine you can see three or four people walking and talking
Look and listen
you can see their agitation before you hear anything.
One person is hurt, distressed
One person is bewildered, disorientated
One person is angry, shouting
Jesus is at the heart of the group.
What has he said or done to provoke such reactions?

Don't say anything, just hang around with them a while as an observer, a watcher, standing to one side of the group.

After a little while.
Say thank you, and politely take your leave and return to the spot where you left your bag, and walk out of the place, back into the church.


3. The second step
Walk back to the place you were in before, carrying your bag with you
remember: this is a quiet, safe place, with no-one else around at the moment.
This time, put more important things into your bag
People – relationships,
fears, hopes, anxieties
yourself – who you are
(you can come back to this spot at any time, everything will be safe)
Leave the bag again, and set off around the same corner as before. It will be safe.
Madrazo, the trial of Jesus before the Sanhedrin

4. The second turn
When you round the corner Jesus is sat there, a small man on his own, waiting for you
The crowd is still there, so are the disciples. Only now the disciples are stood behind Jesus, looking at the crowd over Jesus' shoulder.

Join the disciples. You are protected by them. 

Listen, look,
Consider: how is Jesus in the face of such hostility? How does he respond?
Consider: what is it in Jesus that could provoke such antagonism?
Ask him.
And if Jesus does not provoke these reactions in us – then what is it that we don't see, or that we don't acknowledge?
Ask him.

It is hard to stand in the face of such hurt and anger with its threat of violence. You are safe but don't stay too long; Jesus will wait for you.

5. The third step
When it's time, when you're ready:
Say goodbye properly, and thank the disciples you stood with, thank Jesus
Walk back round the corner to where your bag is
Sit beside it for a while,
reflect on the experience of Jesus you've just had
reflect on what it felt like to be a foreigner, an outsider
Take a last look around and, when you're ready,
pick up your bag and carry it with you as you
walk back into the present

In the present:
Unpack your bag: in your imagination slowly take out all the important things and re-assume them; then take out the less important things and own them again. Cherish each item.

TAKE A BREAK. Relax. Do something. Give yourself time to reflect on your experience.

and repeat if you wish.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

Saturday, 21 March 2015

Holy Week and Easter

Holy week begins with Palm Sunday on March 29th.

We will walk from the Church into the garden where the palm crosses will be blessed.

(That's our PRIZE WINNING garden, in case  you missed it preciously,)

When we come back into Church members will read the Passion Gospel in dramatic form. (This is the sermon - it doesn't need another.)

On Maundy Thursday (April 2) at 6pm we will observe the Stations of the Cross.  

The 14 Stations (stopping points as we walk in imagination with Jesus to his execution) are a traditional catholic practice, though usually for Good Friday.  We will reflect on the path that Jesus trod and, with some newly written material, place ourselves, so to speak, as observers and ompanions as Jesus makes his last journey.

The Veneration of the Cross is also a traditional catholic (and Orthodox) service and observed on Good Friday at 9.30am. As its name indicates, it is focused on the cross itself as the instrument of Christ's death.

The Easter Eve Service of Light anticipates Christ's resurrection on the third day after his death. By tradition it is held at midnight - but we're all getting on and have to up again for the morning celebrations. 

(And, in any case, the Liturgical day runs from dusk to dusk so the Saturday evening is the beginning of Easter.) 

Light - whether bonfires of candles - symbolise that Christ is the Light of the World. The light that was briefly occluded by Jesus' death now shines more brightly than ever.

Easter Day can sometimes seem a bit of an anti-climax after the intensity of Holy Week.

Yet this is the central moment in the Christian year, for fulcrum on which the whole of Christian faith is balanced: that Jesus, who was dead is now alive. Death is not the end for God is greater even than death.

We would be delighted to welcome you to our celebratory worship at 9.15am on Easter day, Sunday 5th April. 

Monday, 16 March 2015

Strangers and Outsiders - an imaginative path 2

These five imaginative exercises were devised for those attending the quiet mornings in St Hilda's Church in Lent 2015.

They are meant to be followed in sequence:
2. Strangers and Outsiders (this one)
4. Power and Violence
5. The Resurrected Jesus

The framework for each exercise is the same. The sequence follows an emotional path towards the cross and, through it, to the resurrected Jesus.

An imaginative path:
Please note: this can be a heavy duty exercise. Don't go any further or stay any longer than you are comfortable with. It's not meant to be an ordeal but an opportunity for discovery.

Take the break as advised. Have a proper break. Have a cup of tea (or your preferred equivalent). Go for a walk. Distract yourself, and then come back to pick up where you left off.

Don't leave a section suddenly. Always leave on a positive note by saying thank you, and politely excuse yourself before you turn to go.

It is important that, in your imagination, you walk yourself from your present surroundings and circumstances into the imagined setting – and equally important that you walk yourself back out again at the end. Take it steady: there is no rush.

And if you do leave abruptly then look at what it was that made you leave. Offer it in prayer.

2. Strangers and Outsiders

1. The first step
Imagine the landscape of Jesus' day (don't try to 'get it right')
Walk into the place, carrying an empty bag
This is a quiet, safe place, with no-one else around
Look around and find a comfortable spot,
imagine something as a landmark, and put your bag down
fill the bag with all the everyday things you bring with you,
what you're going to do when you leave here
what you need to get on with later
conversations you've had, or need to have
all those things you ought to have done but haven't got around to
and when you've filled the bag
Angelika Kauffmann  
Discourse between Jesus and 
the Samaritan Woman at the Well
put it down and leave it there. It will be safe.

2. The first turn
Walk a little way along a path, go round a corner
imagine you can see three or four people walking and talking
join the group. Look and listen;
Jesus is at the heart of the group.
There is a woman there who is a foreigner. She does not understand the language. Someone is interpreting for her. What does the woman want?
You too are a foreigner.
How do you feel? An outsider? Not understanding?

Don't say anything, just walk with them a while as a friend, as one of the group

After a little while.
Say thank you, and politely take your leave and return to the spot where you left your bag, and walk out of the place, back into the church.


3. The second step
Walk back to the place you were in before, carrying your bag with you
remember: this is a quiet, safe place, with no-one else around at the moment.
This time, put more important things into your bag
People – relationships,
fears, hopes, anxieties
yourself – who you are
(you can come back to this spot at any time, everything will be safe)
Leave the bag again, and set off around the same corner as before. It will be safe.

4. The second turn
When you round the corner Jesus is sat there, a small man on his own, waiting for you
Do you sit or stand: you choose.
Listen, look,
You come as an outsider, a foreigner, a stranger,
yet he knows you.
Say anything you like: and wait.
Do you need an interpreter? Someone who can make clear to Jesus what you mean – someone who can make clear to you what Jesus says?
If so, wait little, someone will come along who can help.
Trust them.
Ask whatever you wish to ask
There may be an answer, there may not, just wait.
You are utterly safe, known, loved, protected
Wait, listen

But don't stay too long; Jesus will wait for you.
Joseph-Marie Vien, Healing the royal official's son

5. The third step
When it's time, when you're ready:
Say goodbye properly, and thank him
Walk back round the corner to where your bag is
Sit beside it for a while,
reflect on the experience of Jesus you've just had
reflect on what it felt like to be a foreigner, an outsider
Take a last look around and, when you're ready,
pick up your bag and carry it with you as you
walk back into the present

In the present:
Unpack your bag: in your imagination slowly take out all the important things and re-assume them; then take out the less important things and own them again. Cherish each item.

TAKE A BREAK. Relax. Do something. Give yourself time to reflect on your experience.

and repeat if you wish.

Please feel free to leave a comment.

Friday, 13 March 2015

General Synod Elections

Voices of  some of the lay members of General Synod - to encourage any who might consider standing for election.

Monday, 9 March 2015

Calling Disciples - an imaginative path 1

These five imaginative exercises were devised for those attending the quiet mornings in St Hilda's Church in Lent 2015.

They are meant to be followed in sequence:
1. Calling Disciples (this one)
4. Power and Violence
5. The Resurrected Jesus

The framework for each exercise is the same. The sequence follows an emotional path towards the cross and, through it, to the resurrected Jesus.

An imaginative path:
Please note: this can be a heavy duty exercise. Don't go any further or stay any longer than you are comfortable with. It's not meant to be an ordeal but an opportunity for discovery.

Take the break as advised. Have a proper break. Have a cup of tea (or your preferred equivalent). Go for a walk. Distract yourself, and then come back to pick up where you left off.

Don't leave a section suddenly. Always leave on a positive note by saying thank you, and politely excuse yourself before you turn to go.

It is important that, in your imagination, you walk yourself from your present surroundings and circumstances into the imagined setting – and equally important that you walk yourself back out again at the end. Take it steady: there is no rush.

And if you do leave abruptly then look at what it was that made you leave. Offer it in prayer.

1. Calling Disciples

1. The first step
Imagine the landscape of Jesus' day (don't try to 'get it right', it's meant to be imaginary)
Walk into the place, carrying an empty bag
This is a quiet, safe place, with no-one else around
Look around and find a comfortable spot,
imagine something as a landmark, and put your bag down
fill the bag with all the everyday things you bring with you,
what you're going to do when you leave here
what you need to get on with later
conversations you've had, or need to have
all those things you ought to have done but haven't got around to
and when you've filled the bag
put it down and leave it there. It will be safe.
Jesus walking with his disciples - History Channnel / Christianity Today 

2. The first turn
Walk a little way along a path, go round a corner
imagine you can see a small group of people walking and talking
join the group. Look and listen
Jesus is at the heart of the group
Amongst them are:
Simon and Andrew, James and John, Mary and Martha, Philip and Nathanael, there are others too.
look through their eyes
what do you suppose the disciples see in Jesus?
what do you see?
What are their hopes, do you think, what are their desires, what are their blind-spots?
And yours?

Don't say anything, just walk with them a while as a friend, as one of the group

After a little while.
Say thank you, and politely take your leave and return to the spot where you left your bag, and walk out of the place, back into the church.


3. The second step
Walk back to the place you were in before, carrying your bag with you
remember: this is a quiet, safe place, with no-one else around at the moment.
This time, put more important things into your bag
People – relationships,
fears, hopes, anxieties
yourself – who you are
(you can come back to this spot at any time, everything will be safe)
Leave the bag again, and set off around the same corner as before. It will be safe.
Altobello Melone - The Road to Emmaus

4. The second turn
When you round the corner Jesus is sat there, a small man on his own, waiting for you
Do you sit or stand: you choose.
Listen, look,
Say anything you like: and wait.
There may be an answer, there may not, just wait.
You are utterly safe, known, loved, protected
Wait, listen
Do you see what the disciples saw in Jesus?

But don't stay too long; Jesus will wait for you.

5. The third step
When it's time, when you're ready:
Say goodbye properly, and thank him
Walk back round the corner to where your bag is
Sit beside it for a while,
reflect on the experience of Jesus you've just had
Take a last look around and, when you're ready,
pick up your bag and carry it with you as you
walk back into the present

In the present:
Unpack your bag: in your imagination slowly take out all the important things and re-assume them; then take out the less important things and own them again. Cherish each item.

TAKE A BREAK. Relax. Do something. Give yourself time to reflect on your experience.

and repeat if you wish.

Please feel free to leave a comment