Saturday, 24 September 2016

Food Bank Harvest September 25th

Harvest Festivals - at least in their modern British guise - are generally reckoned to have been invented by the weird and wonderful Robert Hawker of Morwenstow (wiki) in 1843.

The festival was very popular through the nineteenth century not least because so many of the population of the cities had only recently migrated there from the countryside.

In the twentieth century the thanks-giving has been overlaid with other significant themes: distributive justice (why some go hungry in a rich world), or God's creation and our responsibilities, or peace and justice, for example.

This year St Hilda's has decided to support

The Bay Foodbank

They would be particularly pleased to receive

  • Long life milk
  • Meat in gravy / chilli / curry / stew
  • Assorted snacks
  • Tinned meat - Pek ham, corned beef etc.
  • Tinned fruit
  • Sugar
  • Cooking sauces

and other preserved food, nappies and baby food.  And, of course, not only at harvest - the need continues through the whole of the year.

Real Voices (from the Tressell Trust some names changed)

When mental health issues hit teaching assistant Kane, he tried to keep working but it made him more ill. Eventually he had to leave his job.
At the same time his wife, a nurse, experienced serious complications during her pregnancy and the couple suddenly found themselves temporarily unable to work due to health problems.
Later Kane managed to find insecure contract work, but Cheryl’s delayed sick pay meant that on weeks that Kane could not get any hours of work the couple were unable to afford food.
Kane would go without to make sure that heavily pregnant Cheryl was able to eat, until they were referred to a foodbank.

Kane says:
People stereotype people at foodbanks but both myself and my wife are professional people who needed help.
We never expected to need a foodbank, but our lives completely changed in two months. You’re only two missed pay cheques away from being in poverty.

Just five minutes to breathe can really make all the difference, that’s why foodbanks are such a lifeline.”

To contact the food bank directly:

The Bay Foodbank
The Barn, Meadow Well Way, Waterville Road, 
Meadow Well, North Shields, NE29 6BA
Tel: 0191 257 3820Email:

More information about the work of foodbanks and the need for them can be found at:

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Flying Fresh Expressions of Church: Holy Drones

The yet-to-be-announced St Hilda's Foundation for the Future of the Church of England (StuFFE, or HiFFE, we haven't yet decided) has been considering its future programme.

One central focus will be the impact of new technology on the delivery of Christian Ministry.

A preliminary scoping study identified drones as holding exciting possibilities. This is the executive summary of the initial report:

The potential for enhanced ministerial practice,
efficient delivery of pastoral care
and deepening spiritual life
by the deployment of
uncrewed aerial vehicles (drones)

Summary: it is highly probable that, as drone technology develops alongside a permissive regulatory regime, almost every area of church life can be enhanced by the use of drones. There may be downsides almost all of which can be dismissed as the misguided worries of antediluvians.

The care of individuals

Pastorally programmed drones (co-ordinate with phone and bracelet technology) might track every church member.

A drone can monitor, for example, the time members spend on their knees, or reading Scripture, or fasting or undertaking charitable or evangelistic tasks.

They can protect vulnerable members. They could, for instance, be programmed to ensure that members do not risk their faith by visiting locations of morally dubious activity.

Linked software can give ministers real-time searchable data on a range of customisable scales of devoutness. This might provide useful objective data by which to assess members being considered for such posts as door steward or coffee maker.

Drones could remove the need for home visits. Cameras and microphones could enable conversation at a distance (like a phone, but with greater spiritual punch). An extensible arm could deliver the sacraments. 

Any possible urgent action could be avoided by immediate, perhaps automatic, referral to the appropriate agency. Preliminary death-bed visits could be replaced by a static drone programmed to summon the just-in-time Priest when the last few minutes approach.

Downside: The possibility that bishops of other clergy overseers might also use the technology to monitor ministers.

The quality of worship 

Overhead drones during worship could be used to ensure that everyone was on the same page. They could assess degrees of distraction/concentration (by movement sensors or subtle changes in skin temperature) which can be fed back in real time to the minister. This would give the minister an unprecedented capacity to respond by, as occasion demands, announcing an unexpected hymn or doubling the length of a gripping sermon.

No downside identified.

Future prospects 

As drones develop we can anticipate greater carrying capacity and precision in flight programming. On this basis we anticipate significant widening of the scope for drones.

For example, holy drones could be given widely recognised visual insignia (a white bar on a black background, maybe). With this badge the authorities might allow the drone into difficult circumstances - a disaster, perhaps, or a riot, or other public trauma - and in this way the church might bring comfort and succour, safely and remotely.


Baptisms could be conducted remotely, either in church or in people's homes and swimming pools. 

Specially adapted drones could, for example, lower an infant into a font. (One member of the group suggested that, if fonts were re-designed into a long oval shape, swinging the baby through would be a much more dramatic symbol of spiritual rebirth.)

Other symbolic aspects, making the sign of the cross in oil, for example could be undertaken by a carefully programmed extensible arm.

Downsides: none.


Weddings are already recorded by drone. It would be a small extension to have them conducted remotely. With a little planning several weddings, commencing at the same time in different venues, could be conducted simultaneously.  

The essence of marriage is the public commitment of each party to the other. Accordingly the drone, in recording the ceremony, could be sufficient for legal recognition of a valid wedding.

Downside: a minister may be less likely to be invited to the reception, with its free food and drink, if they are only remotely present.

There is significant potential for the use of drones at a funeral. Drones could, for example, carry the coffin to the burial and lower it into the grave with decorum and precision.  

Mourners may watch remotely (as already happens in crematoria). The minister could float above the grave sonorously intoning the service for the Burial of the Dead. 

  1. This proposal has an additional benefit: where land is expensive or scarce, of removing the need for paths or foot access and thus intensifying land use.
  2. However the negative association of military drones with multiple and unaccountable deaths may make it difficult to engender sufficient public support.


As technology advances it is essential that churches embrace available developments. With such blessing, the results of God-given human ingenuity may be sacralized. Technology may, in return, open undreamed-of possibilities for ministry, evangelism and devotion. 

Some caution is always wise. This has at times been characterised as the church being behind the times (a logical impossibility). But this would be a mistaken interpretation. Instead faith and technology have long been in dialogue: writing and printing technology, for example, and architectural developments have shaped faith and been shaped by it.

StuFFE (or HiFFE) intends to be up to the job in the twenty-first century.

Cheques to support this vision may be sent to [text deleted for reasons of decorum].

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Women's World Day of Prayer 2016

Women's World Day of Prayer 

Friday March 4th

2pm at St Columba's Church, 
Nothumberland Square, North Shields

7.30pm at Cullercoats Methodist Church

All welcome

Thursday, 11 February 2016


Each day in Lent I will post a tweet (a Lentweet) on aspects of public penitence (#PublicPenitence).

Lent is the season of preparation for the revelatory and transformative moment of Jesus' death and Christ's resurrection.

In this transformative process - spiritually, symbolically and in the people we are - Christians are made new. We can become more ourselves as God made us - a little more Christlike, a little closer to realising the godly qualities in each of us.

This is both personal and public, individual and communal. None of us is an isolated atom: we are who we are only in continual engagement with the people around in the circumstances in which we find ourselves. Our potential may be vast, our constraints are legion.

The Lenten disciplines of penitence and denial are intended 
  1. to help us determine and focus on what is important (against the background  clamour of so many very persuasive distractions)
  2. to re-prioritise our lives - giving spiritual considerations much greater importance in lasting practice
  3. to prepare ourselves for the transformation of being caught up in Christ's death and resurrection.
I suggest - and this is what the Lentweets will focus on - that a part of our Lenten observance should also address the world around us. We should repent both of our own failings and of those of the world in which we live.

I suggest we should look at the evils of our ordinary existence - from the biggest (eg. war and poverty), to the near at hand (like addictions and discrimination), to the pervasive (such as the mal-distribution of wealth, income and opportunity).

Those things are all  bigger than us. It can be very hard to get our heads around them. But they are all made and sustained by the decisions people make. None of them are natural or inevitable. 

We are not individually responsible for the way things are. But we are complicit in it. We are responsible for our response to the evils of the world. And we are deeply shaped by so much much that is simply wrong. 

Pray for transformation and work for a little better.

Paul Bagshaw

Monday, 8 February 2016

St Hilda's annual meeting & report

St Hilda's annual meeting will take place on Sunday February 14th in the church hall after a
shortened morning service.

All are welcome.

Annual Report and Accounts (pdf).


  • A busy and enjoyable social life
  • A mutually supportive and pastorally sensitive community 
  • The chapel has been refurbished with excellent new lighting and a new ceiling and has been repainted
  • Finances remain strong


  • Numbers continue a slow decline
  • We are not well engaged with the community around us
The year ahead:
  • To celebrate and enjoy St Hilda's 50th anniversary year
  • To begin to re-engage with the local community